Family Therapy

family therapy

What is Family Therapy?

Family therapy is a form of group talk therapy that focuses on the improvement of connections among family members. Family therapy can involve any combination of family members who would like to improve their relationship.

A family unit can consist of any group of people in the family. In family therapy, a group can consist of many different combinations, such as parents and children, spouses, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, and caregivers.

What are the Different Types of Family Therapy?

Systemic family therapy

This type of therapy looks at the family’s issues in different contexts, how they live, and how each member functions within the family.

Structural family therapy

This type of therapy looks at the internal relationships, boundaries, and hierarchies within a family structure. It allows family members to have direct communications to bring out positive change in the family unit.

Strategic family therapy

This type of therapy is short-term family therapy that focuses on making supportive structural and behavioral changes in the family environment. This is most helpful for families who have children with behavioral challenges.

Marriage/Couples Therapy

This type of therapy helps spouses/couples determine their issues and work on resolutions. This is helpful when couples are going through a difficult time in their relationship or have a challenging time communicating or connecting.

How Does Family Therapy Help?

Family therapy is an evidence-based treatment that is grounded in theory and skill-based conversations. At Healing Time Therapy, we provide families with a supportive, safe, and nonjudgmental environment that allows all family members to communicate freely.

With family therapy, we work on improving the interactions, connections, and communication patterns among family members. We assist each person in the family unit to gain healthy ways to improve their well-being to have healthier outcomes within their family.

Reframe your problems and make them into opportunities to heal and live a happier life.